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    The Saldanha architects, based in Porto, working in Angola and Spain , develops a work that is based on uniqueness of assumptions and exclusivity, combined with personalization and identification of each client, where all the details are thought in order to meet the demanding standards proposed, working primarily in the areas of architecture and interior design.

    It is a qualified company, committed to establishing a lasting and trusting relationship with your customers in a personalized way, offering them a high quality service that exceeds their expectations. The defined strategic objectives aim to invest in competitiveness factors, including the quality, modernity, monitoring developments and setting trends, which today is a clear demand from customers.

    For an architect, each project means a new experience, from an idea… put into paper as a scratch, discussed …  and developed until its final realization, becoming reality.



    Saldanha architects has a team of architects , engineers and designers, who in a structured and sustainable way, develop solutions for each project, in order to overcome the customer satisfaction level, combining form and technique with quality and excellence.

    In addition to our key elements, we still have a number of partners and suppliers, selected by the same degree of professionalism and rigor in order to strengthen the capacity to create and innovate.




    The Saldanha architects develops its area of ​​expertise in architecture and interior design, developing and monitoring each phase of a project, passing through the previous study process, licensing, implementation and technical assistance.

    We have a technical area that analyzes solutions based on sustainability and use of natural systems and cycles, sun, wind, water, in order to optimize the methodology, technical excellence and innovation of each project.
    In the Interior Design Area, the creative process is customized for each project, being developed concepts and unique pieces to client needs. It can be made ​​the manufacture and supply of these pieces, whether partially or totally, of all proposed elements and their assembly/ installation.